More millennials are expected to become Gulf Shores home buyers this year, and they might have a wish list of features that set them apart from previous generations of house hunters. We have assembled a list of features that The Federal Savings Bank has also noted as being desired by Gulf Shores home buyers, especially […]
Gulf Shores Homebuyers Say Location Still Matters
Nearly half of Gulf Shores homebuyers surveyed by The Demand Institute who say they plan to move at some point in the future say that location still matters for them. While some Gulf Shores homebuyers say they will move for a larger or nicer home, or perhaps buy a home for the first time, three […]
First Time Gulf Shores Homebuyers Disappearing
First-time Gulf Shores homebuyers now account for only one-third of all home purchases, the lowest share since 1987. That's according to an annual survey conducted by the National Association of Realtors, which questioned a random sample of people who purchased homes between July 2013 and June 2014. Reasons First Time Gulf Shores Homebuyers Are Vanishing […]
Young Gulf Shores Homebuyers – Overcoming Hurdles
Many young "would-be" Gulf Shores homebuyers are finding themselves in a position that young Gulf Shores homebuyers haven't been in before. Statistics tell us there aren't as many young Gulf Shores homebuyers as there used to be. Thirty-six percent of American homeowners are 35 and younger, the lowest on record since 1982, when the census's […]
Where Have First Time Gulf Shores Homebuyers Gone?
First time Gulf Shores homebuyers seem to be disappearing right before our eyes. The same is true nationwide, as the percentage of homes that were sold to first-time homebuyers dropped to 33% this year, the lowest percentage in almost three decades. This drop in first time Gulf Shores homebuyers is despite the fact that mortgage […]
Why Young Gulf Shores Homebuyers Are Holding Back
The younger generation of potential Gulf Shores homebuyers are finding barriers to homeownership almost overwhelming. The lack of affordable homes, student debt, and unemployment, are keeping many of these young would-be-buyers either renting, or living with parents. This inability for young Gulf Shores homebuyers to get started as homeowners is taking some of the punch […]
Architectural Designs – What Gulf Shores Homebuyers Want
When it comes to Gulf Shores homebuyers, it seems more and more people want open and more accessible homes, with outdoor living space, according to a recent housing trend report. The American Institute of Architects recently released a quarterly survey on home-design trends that gathered input from architecture principals, partners and firm leaders from more […]
Why Gulf Shores Home Buyers Won’t Take the Leap
Here we are, half way through the year, and Gulf Shores home buyers are just not jumping on the idea of buying a home. The spring buying season was down 1.2 percent in May, and declines in borrowing to buy a home in the month of May are virtually unprecedented. Sales are down year over […]
Gulf Shores Home Buyers May Soon See Federal Help
Prospective Gulf Shores home buyers are seeing the housing market continue to recover, with home prices in some areas rising as much as 13 percent over the past year. The rise in home prices has helped a lot of homeowners get out from being underwater on their mortgage. Leftovers from the housing crisis however continue […]
First Time Gulf Shores Home Buyers Being Squeezed
Raising the necessary cash for a down payment is the toughest hurdle first time Gulf Shores home buyers face on the road to home ownership. For many, government programs like FHA, USDA Rural Development guaranteed loans, VA loans and down payment assistance programs sponsored by state and local housing authorities have made a big difference. […]