Knowing your credit score is important. But with the sheer number of different credit score systems out there, are any of them really doing you any good, or are they just a big hindrance? . To get more tips on Gulf Shores mortgage information, including more articles about your credit score and the various ways […]
What Your Credit Score Says About You
Your credit score operates on the assumption that the near future will look a lot like the recent past, and that going forward, people can be expected to behave pretty much as they always have. Since most people will exhibit the same basic behaviors for years at a time, be they good or bad, it's […]
Buying Gulf Shores Real Estate? Credit Score Mistakes
If you're like many people these days, either thinking of buying Gulf Shores real estate, or refinancing your current mortgage, there's a lot you have to consider before doing either one. But before you get too busy thinking about how you'll spend the money you'll save by refinancing, or what your dream home might look […]
Checking Your Credit Report and Scores
Even if you’re not thinking about applying for a loan or credit card in the near future, it’s always a good idea to look at your credit report and scores. You should check your personal credit report and score at least twice a year to make sure that all of your personal information is accurate. […]
Should You Pay for Credit Repair?
There are businesses out there that promise to improve your credit score for a price. But are they doing anything for you that you can’t do yourself? We have other related stories on our site, just click the “Economy” link under Categories to your right.
Your Credit May Not Be As Strong As You Think
You pay your apartment rent on time every month. You never miss a utility bill. Your credit score, then, must be strong, right? Maybe not. The only way to know for sure is to check your annual free credit report. Your three-digit credit score is one important number. Lenders of all types, whether they’re passing […]
How to Get a Free FICO Credit Score
It normally costs money to see your credit score, but here’s how you can get it for free. Questions or comments? Use the comment link below to ask away!
Home Buying Mistakes to Avoid
Home Buying Mistakes to Avoid If you are in the market to buy a home, getting pre-approved for a mortgage is one of the first steps to buying a home. However, a pre-approval doesn’t guarantee that you will ultimately get the financing if you have any change in your circumstances between the pre-approval application date […]