Never A Better Time To Invest In Real Estate
The current economic downturn and the fear of a continuation in the recession has driven the traditional real estate investor, which was built on speculation and gambling, to a virtual standstill. The credit that typically sustained real estate as an investment has vanished as lenders have started to massively recall their loans and foreclosure on those who have defaulted.
A direct side effect has been the driving down of real estate prices to their lowest point in a very long time as debt weary owners desiring to sell their homes before they are foreclosed are selling those homes for far below their previous market value. This means the opportunity to buy real estate at often (in the past) unheard of prices to the forefront.
There is always a market for fairly valued homes even in the midst of a potentially explosive financial climate. Furthermore, housing markets tend to be cyclical and prices will eventually go back up so their current downward price trend, as long as it lasts, may be the last opportunity to buy investment properties at such bargain prices. The amount of property for sale at more than reasonable prices borders on the staggering.
Investors who are well versed in real estate are aware of market patterns and are willing to take some risks, providing they can find a lender who is willing to fork over a mortgage for the real estate investment.
Whether an investor is seeking to buy a property to resell it immediately or to renovate before selling, this is a fantastic time to buy real estate. As long as the investor is disciplined, evenhanded, methodical and not looking to make a fast and easy buck, there may never have been a better time to invest in real estate as right now. This is no time for people on the fence or unskilled investors who rely on luck and smooth talk. For serious businessmen, however, the opportunities are yours for the taking.
If you’re a first time home buyer, not a real estate investor, this is also the perfect time to buy real estate. In addition to the values we’ve just mentioned, you can also take advantage of the first time homebuyer tax credit that is due to expire on December 1. Unless that credit, or some form of it, is extended, you’ll need to really hurry to take advantage of that if you want to close on your home before the deadline passes.
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