Is Anywhere Totally Safe from Disasters?
This is a question worth answering no matter where you live. People in some parts of the country are highly susceptible to hurricanes, while others face virtually no risk from them. Some live with the risk of earthquakes, others do not.
Recent flooding that swamped parts of the Midwest, including Indiana, Wisconsin and Iowa, caught many property owners unprotected. Only 1 percent of all Indiana homeowners have flood insurance. Wisconsin reports even less than that. People generally pass on federally backed flood coverage because they don’t realize it falls outside standard home insurance or they underestimate the risk.
Wisconsin Insurance Commissioner Sean Dilweg expects damages from flooding that passed through his state to top $100 million. But of the 2 million households statewide, only about 13,600 had flood insurance policies.
A lack of flood insurance isn’t limited to the Midwest. The National Flood Insurance Program estimates that only half the property owners were insured when hurricanes Katrina and Rita tore up the Gulf Coast in 2005. The program paid $15 billion to those who did have coverage during what it deems the costliest storm season on record.
Being in the early stages of the 2008 Hurricane Season, and in the aftermath of the unusual flooding in the midwest, NOW might be a great time for EVERYONE to check their homeowner’s coverage. After disaster strikes is too late.
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