Housing Bailout Backlash Grows Stronger
Many Americans want no part of a government-funded bailout for troubled mortgage borrowers, and many are being heard saying things like, "why should American taxpayers have to pay to bailout reckless lenders and borrowers?"
The website Angryrenter.com, launched just recently, has a vitiation demanding that Congress not pass any bailout programs that reward risky borrowing and lending. The petition is gathering 40 to 50 signatures per hour, according to spokesman Adam Brandon, who adds that the site is already getting 15,000 visitors a day.
Many people would prefer the government do nothing at all to prop up the housing market — especially those hoping to buy in a more affordable market.
Tell us what you think. Use the comment link below to give us your feedback. And if you’d like to sign the petition, go to https://angryrenter.com to sign up.