Homeowner Mortgage Bailout Poll
Americans remain split on whether homeowners about to default on their mortgages should receive special treatment to help them keep their houses, according to a new research poll.
The poll finds 49% of Americans believe such homeowners should receive special treatment, while 48% feel homeowners should not get assistance. Three percent of those polled had no opinion.
Congress also appears split on the issue. The House is debating Democrat-sponsored legislation that would let the government back loans for homeowners facing foreclosure and would reduce the principal owed on those mortgages. Many Republicans oppose the bill, and President Bush has threatened to veto it.
What’s your opinion? Do you think homeowners in danger of losing their homes should get government assistance to keep them from losing that home? Use the comment link below to give us your thoughts on this touchy subject. Your email address, although required to post a comment, will not be published here for your privacy and protection from unwanted email. We’d love to hear how you feel about the home bailout issue.