For Sale by Tweet?
Unless you’ve been living in a closet, you’ve no doubt heard about the Social network called “Twitter.”
Twitter lets users create profiles where they can post messages of up to 140 characters that can be viewed by anyone with Internet access on a PC or mobile phone.
When you sign up for Twitter, you might expect to get a stream of random messages from the people that make up your virtual social network — but information on homes for sale?
Believe it or not, real estate for sale is now being “Tweeted”… and sellers as well as buyers are starting to embrace the idea.
If you are already on Twitter, we’d invite you to send us your Twitter @username and we’ll add you to our list we follow.
Twitter is a quick and easy way for us to keep in touch with you, as well as you in touch with us.
When searching for real estate and you see a home you want more information on, you can “Tweet” us from your cell phone or computer, and we can get back to you with more information.
Likewise, if you’re selling a home, you can “Tweet us” with information, and we can log that information in our office.
Yes, times are changing, and we are changing with it, and welcome your tweets.
If you have questions or comments, please use the comment link below to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you, either here, or on Twitter.