Bailouts Galore
Is anyone out there besides us sick of all the government bailouts? Everyone and their brother seems to be getting in line to ask the government to "bail them out."
As the printing presses for the bailouts run at full speed, those in power are no longer even pretending that the new giveaways will fix our problems. Now that we are used to rewarding failure with taxpayer-funded bailouts, we are being told that this is “just a start,” more funds will inevitably be needed for more industries, and that things would be much worse had we done nothing.
The updated total bailout commitments add up to over $8 trillion now, and is anyone really thinking it will stop there?
The brutal truth that no one in Washington dares acknowledge is that our economic problems can only be solved by a reduction in consumer borrowing and an increase in savings.
What do you think? Leave your comments below.