National Speed Limit: Would You Slow Down?
Sen. John Warner of Virginia, asked Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman to look into what speed limit would provide optimum gasoline efficiency given current technology. He said he wants to know if the administration might support efforts in Congress to require a lower speed limit.
In 1974, Congress set a national 55 mph speed limit because of energy shortages caused by the Arab oil embargo. The speed limit was repealed in 1995 when crude oil dipped to $17 a barrel and gasoline cost $1.10 a gallon.
Today, gasoline averages around $4.10 a gallon nationwide, with oil hovering around $145 a barrel.
If Congress does re-impose a lower speed limit on our nations’ highways, the question is, will that make you slow down? Tell us what you think about lowering speed limits in an effort to save gasoline and HOPEFULLY lower the skyrocketing fuel prices. Do you think lowering the speed limit will even make any difference at the pump? Sound off. Tell us what you think. Use the "comment" link below to tell us. Your email address will NOT be published here, so don’t worry about anyone emailing you or harvesting your email address here.