Foreclosures Causing More Divorces?
The financial pressure that comes with an escalating house payment or a foreclosure may indeed be playing a role in breaking up marriages, experts say.
Historically, the three most likely reasons for foreclosure problems are: loss of job, loss of health and loss of spouse. On top of that, these days, escalating mortgage payments seem to be exacerbating the divorce problem.
Though there are no studies linking foreclosure to divorce rates, Frank Fincham, the director of Florida State University’s Family Institute, said, "Financial problems among couples are one of the main reasons for divorce in this country today." One recent poll commissioned by ranked financial issues as the No. 2 reason that Americans divorce, with abuse ranked as No. 1.
For years, Middle America was of the mindset that it could get a divorce and use the equity in their home as a safety net, but for many these days, there is no equity. It used to be, when couples bought a house, five years later it was worth more. And when people got divorced in those days they expected to be able to live for a while off the proceeds from the sale of the house. . . . We do have a lot of people in trouble in this country because the value of their house decreased.
What do you think? Give us your opinion. Has the mortgage crisis and more resulting foreclosures, had anything to do with an increase in divorce rates? Use the comment link below to give us your feedback.