Foreclosure Scams: Big Business Now
Among the byproducts of the U.S. housing crisis is a surge in scams that cheat people out of their money, their homes, or both, under the guise of offering to rescue them from foreclosure.
Almost every foreclosure rescue program you see advertised anywhere is fraud, and law enforcement lacks the funds to investigate or prosecute all the cases.
As well as extorting money with promises of help that never materialize, other rescue scams include tricking borrowers into signing over part or all of their property. Often, the owners think they are signing a refinancing when they are actually signing a deed of transfer.
If you are in trouble with your lender, or behind on your mortgage, seek help before help finds you! Because the help that finds you may not be help at all. Scam artists are getting slicker and slicker every day in coming up with convincing ways to rob you blind.
If you’ve been the victim of fraud or some sort of scam, let us hear about it here. Use the comment link below. Your identity is protected, we never publish email addresses on this site, and you can even give us a fake name if you want to, that doesn’t really matter. We’d just like to hear your comments. If you haven’t been scammed, but know of someone who has… tell them about this website and ask them to come here and tell about their story. Perhaps it will save others from falling prey to the same type of fraud.