Lower That Electric Bill
Did you know… of the total energy consumed in America about 39% is used to generate electricity, and most of the electricity in the US is generated from fossil fuels. We can all start making small changes to not only lower our electricity bills, but to also clean up our environment. Below are five great tips to help you start making a change today!
Replace and clean filters in your home. Completing this maintenance on your heating or air conditioner will not only cut costs, it will help your unit run more efficiently.
Remember to close vents in unused rooms, no need to cool it down or warm it up if no one is in it.
Wash your laundry in cold water, and if possible, wash your laundry in the evening after 9 PM or in the morning before 7 AM.
Turn off lights! So easy to remember, so easy to forget! When possible, unplug items that are not in use. This extra step will save you more than you think.
Start switching those old light bulbs out to more energy efficient mini-fluorescent ones. They do cost more initially, but in the long run they will save you more.
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